DDoS Mitigation
We provide best-effort L4 DDoS mitigation at select locations. However, if your server experiences frequent large-scale DDoS attacks that we cannot effectively mitigate and that begin affecting other users, we may need to blackhole your server's IP address or suspend your service.
Blocked Ports
By default, we block TCP port 25. If you have a valid reason to use this port, please reach out to our support team through a ticket ( or email ( to request whitelisting.
We are also developing an automated system that will block TCP port 25 only when spamming activities are detected.
Port Capacities
All our cloud server hypervisor nodes operate with redundant 10G public ports. Cloud servers with VPC (private network) enabled can communicate via a shared, redundant 40 GbE private link.
Bandwidth Usage
Both incoming and outgoing traffic contribute to your cloud server's bandwidth usage, except for traffic on the private network interface, which is not counted. You can view your bandwidth limit in the control panel ( The usage counter resets on the 1st of each calendar month, regardless of your billing cycle.
BGP Sessions
We support BGP session at select locations. Please read more details in BYOIP & BGP.
Bring Your Own IP
We support BYOIP at select locations. Please read more details in BYOIP & BGP.
We offer routed IPv6 support in the following locations:
Each cloud server is assigned a routed /64 IPv6 subnet, which you can enable at any time through our control panel.
Last updated